A New Name and a Wider Mission: The Assembly of Episcopal Healthcare Chaplains is changing its name to the Association of Episcopal Chaplains. The Assembly (now Association) has served the Church and its chaplains since 1950. The organization's title has represented the Episcopal Church's long standing tradition of ministry in healthcare institutions. At the time of the Assembly's founding the church through its dioceses and parishes established and supported hundreds of hospitals throughout the nation. And although the number of hospitals identified as "Episcopal" had been substantially reduced, hundreds of Episcopal chaplains and other pastoral ministers continue to represent the Church in its ministry to those who suffer in mind, body or spirit in a wider variety of institutions. As best we can, the Association wants to support chaplains in all those institutions. The Association serves as the Episcopal-Anglican collegial association for North American chaplains and other caregivers from shore to shore. A number of Canadian brothers and sisters in ministry join in the fellowship and continuing education opportunities which the Annual Meeting affords. This meeting is held in various geographical locales in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Association of Professional Chaplains. The Association also serves in an advocacy role by interpreting to the Church the nature of specialized ministry in a variety of settings and its vital contribution to the extended ministry of the Church. |
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Membership FormIf you're interested in becoming a Member of AEC or in renewing your Membership, check out our updated Membership page and download our form: www.episcopalchaplain.org/membership.html
ChaplairCome and check out our Chaplair blog page, the successor of the Chaplair newsletter of AEHC: www.episcopalchaplain.org/chaplair
Chaplains at General Convention:
The Association of Episcopal Chaplains will be at this 81st General Convention, meeting in Louisville, Kentucky, June 23 – 28, 2024. With the support of the Office of the Armed Forces and Federal Ministries we will be present in the Exhibit Hall. We will again also have chaplains serving as Deputies. Will you be there? If you will, we would like to know. Email the Association at [email protected] so that we can connect. For more information about the history of chaplains at General Convention, check out our 2024 Events page: http://www.episcopalchaplain.org/2024-events.html. |
An Opportunity to Gather for Prayer and Fellowship:
We invite you to join other Episcopal Chaplains for Noonday Prayer and Fellowship on line every other Wednesday. Learn more at episcopalchaplainspray.com. |